A half-human, half-bat creature known as "Bat Boy" was spotted again in Salt Lake City. First discovered in 1992 in a cave in West Virginia by a group of teenagers, the bat-human hybrid has gripped the nation in fear for over 30 years. The creature has been captured multiple times by federal agents but with large eyes, razor-sharp teeth, oversized ears that work like radar, and strength that rivals that of an ape, Bat Boy consistently escapes confinement.


In 1995, the U.S. government claimed that Bat Boy was dead, only for him to reappear in Texas later that year. Bat Boy is assumed to be dangerous and has been accused of gruesome attacks, but none have been confirmed.


The most recent local sighting of Bat Boy occurred in 2003 at the Salt Lake Acting Company. Is history repeating itself? Is the half-human, half-bat creature planning to return to the stage? It has been reported that Bat Boy has learned to talk. Has he also learned to sing?


Find out for yourself at Salt Lake Acting Company's production of BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL, to be unleashed April 9 through May 4, 2025.